Shadow of Memories Wiki
Shadow of Memories Wiki

Event Summary[]


A group of young women observe a poster for a movie called "The Meditating Man" but are disinterested and soon leave. With the areas abandoned, Eike is then run over by a car and is convinced by Homunculus to ensure he is not alone.


Eike then travels to the 7th of February and meets a younger Oleg Franssen meditating in an attempt to conjure Eike after seeing him appear in before in 1979 (Chapter 3). He suggests making a movie about the experience and asks Eike what kind of movie to make. Eike convinces him to make one of two movies concerning time travel. Impressed, Oleg gives him a Faberge Egg Watch made by his father as he considers Eike a friend and inspiration. He asks Eike how he manages to traverse time, but Eike dismissed any notion of powers and leaves.


Returning to the present a large crowd of women interested in a new time travel movie and the driver in the car disappears. Eckart rings Eike saying he needs the Alchemy book back and wants to meet him in the tower next to the library/museum.

Alternative Routes/Scenes[]


After his encounter with Oleg Franssen if Eike walks to the southern parts of Lebensbaum, Eike suddenly hears a gunshot. He finds Homunculus carrying a baby who walks walk off into the distant fog. He later finds a dying young women surrounded by onlookers who mentions her lost baby. Eckart Brum arrives and it its revealed that her name is Miriam while the baby's name is Dana. Eike can choose to return to the past moments before the shooting and tries to stop Miriam walking down the street. She leaves only to be shot again. Finding her dead again he is met by suspicion by the other townsfolk and cant attempt to save her again. While traveling to the past Homunculus confronts him on this decision stating that he may end up having feel the sorrow of failure over and over again. During the second attempt to save her, after trying to ask her not to go the foreseen route she begins to run away from Eike. Eike decides to chase after her across the city and eventually pushes out of the way when her assailant fires at her. He saves her life but the baby is still nowhere to be found. The criminal attempting to kill Miriam is never revealed.

Depending on the choices you make with Oleg when suggesting ideas for what film to make, the film poster will change in the present depending your answer, with 4 variants over all two which gather a crowd and make the assassin back down and two other posters which fail to obtain interest and leave Eike isolated and vulnerable.




